Experience or insight?
The question uncovers something deeper.
I started asking around, what is a conscious way to share content in an age of information overload?
My gospel singing musician friend T, told me it was to give people information that they could embody. I guess a technical word for that is “implement”. What do I do with this knowledge, and how does it change my life?
Heart-centred productivity and publishing genious expert Jocelyn C Glei added to this by adding saying that her idea of Conscious Content would be to add context to the ideas you are sharing. What role is this piece of information adding to the bigger picture?
Sounds great in theory, but we want the insights. Because … yeah! Another great question. Why do we want the insights? And why do we need them quickly? Well because we’re apart of the improvement productive economy. Where we constantly have to improve. But the thing is, we think we improve my hearing smart stuff. Smart stuff we sometimes remember, most often forget.
So we felt good about ourselves in the moment, only to forget it a moment later. Ideas become shallow quickly swallowed. They are never integrated. Never felt. Never truly applied to our experience.
We end up catching the same bug when sharing our ideas. We say some things that are quickly considered and doesn’t really apply. Or we “respit” information. To have a voice.
So what does it take for us to properly integrate information? I met Dr. Paul Zak twice during our My Survival Story world tour. Once in his lab, The Center of Neuroeconomic Studies outside of Santa Barbara in Calefornia. Once in New York City at the fancy Penn House. I also spotted Madeleien Albright as I was walking through that door. The walls “oozed” of importance. He uses qualitative neuroscience techniques to measure what stories inspire actions.